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Crypto 101 - Beginners guide

Mark Cullen • May 03, 2021
  1. What is a #Cryptocurrency?
  2. How many Cryptocurrencies are there?
  3. Types of Cryptocurrency
  4. What are real world applications of Crypto?
  5. Pros and Cons of Crypto?
  6. Crypto, the future of Finance?
  7. What are STO's ICO's & IEO/IDO's?
  8. Crypto Regulations at a glance
  9. How do i get started buying my first Crypto?
  10. Basic day 1 Crypto investment strategy
  11. Is #BTC/Crypto a Bubble?
  12. Crypto Slang
  13. What next?

1. -- What is a Cryptocurrency?  --

  • A cryptocurrency is a form of digital asset based on a network that is distributed across a large number of computers
  • Decentralization allows them to exist outside the control of governments and central authorities
  • Cryptocurrencies have many real word applications, i.e. secure payments online
  • "Crypto" refers to the various encryption algorithms and cryptographic techniques that safeguard the entries
  • The most widely known Crypto is Bitcoin

2. -- How many Cryptocurrencies are there?  --

3. -- Types of Cryptocurrency --

  • Utility / Platform / Governance tokens
  • Security tokens
  • Transactional / Currency tokens
  • Non-Fungible tokens

Details to follow...

4. -- Utility / Platform / Governance tokens --

  • Digital asset that is used to finance the network
  • Delivering decentralized applications (dapps)
  • Allow stakeholders to collaborate, debate, and vote on how to manage a system
  • E.g. Cardano $ADA, BinanceCoin $BNB

5. -- Security tokens --

  • Digital, liquid contracts for fractions of any asset i.e. real estate or stocks
  • ST's preserve the investors ownership stake on the distributed ledger
  • STO s will superseded traditional financial markets in favor of DLT models
  • e.g. StoBox

6. -- Transactional / Currency tokens --

7. -- Non-Fungible tokens  --

  • NFT's are unique tokens that exist on a blockchain and cannot be replicated
  • Unlike cryptocurrencies, they cannot be traded or exchanged at equivalency
  • Can be used to represent real-world items like artwork, peoples identities and real-estate

8. -- Some real world applications of Crypto --

  • Supply Chain - transparency makes it easier to audit supply chains, both for efficiency and for accurate reporting
  • Energy Market - blockchain makes it possible  to buy and sell energy just like many other commodities

9. -- Some real world applications of Crypto Cont'd  --

  • Financial Services - providing access to the millions of people around the world who are unbanked
  • Musician Rights - transform the rights of musicians, providing transparency and preventing theft

10. -- Some real world applications of Crypto Cont'd  --

  • Healthcare - make it possible to securely store these medical records in a single spot for all healthcare providers
  • Voting - a system for electronic voting that ensures anonymity while still allowing for auditing

11. -- Some real world applications of Crypto Cont'd  --

  • Asset Tokenization - assets become easy to trade with others, and to divide up so people can share ownership of an asset. Improves the liquidity of assets & also allows for freer trade & diversification

12. -- Pros and Cons of Crypto?  --


  •   Unparalleled Transparency
  •   Instant and 24-hour accessibility
  •   Protection from inflation
  •   Self-governed and managed
  •   Decentralized
  •   A fast way to transfer funds
  •   Absolute anonymity


  •   Difficult to comprehend
  •   Challenges of market fluctuations
  •   Data losses can cause financial losses
  •   Can be used for illegal transactions
  •   Adverse Effects of mining on the environment
  •   Susceptible to hacks

13. -- Crypto, the future of Finance? --

  • Crypto will cause mass disruptions to the future of money
  • Already replacing old world Finance systems
  • Banks are already adopting crypto as a means of transacting & settlement
  • Regulation will ensue, but cryptos will prevail

14. -- What are STO's ICO's & IEO/IDO's? --

STO - Security Token Offering

  •   An investment contract which is backed by the security token
  •   Token is asset-backed and represents ownership
  •   Like a digital certificate much like the real-world stocks and bonds

ICO - Initial Coin Offering

  •   Used to launch a service or product like a new cryptocurrency token or an app
  •   Similar to IPO (Initial Public Offering) which is used by a company to raise funds on the stock market

IEO / IDO - Initial Exchange / DEX Offering

  •   Companies directly sell their tokens on the exchange to individual participants
  •   IDO's avoid the KYC on exchanges
  •   Liquidity can be low so price movements can be large

15. -- Crypto Regulations at a glance --

  • In a nutshell new regulations are emerging globally all the time
  • New rules for KYC/AML continue to emerge
  • Most new regulations concern identity and investments
  • You need to keep up to date, check your government website

16. --How do i get buy my first Crypto? --

NOTE: This is a very basic explanation for a beginner investor

This could be a 50 tweet thread on its own, so is just to illustrate that it isn't as difficult as many make out

  1. Select a crypto exchange that offers a Fiat gateway open to your region i.e. Binance or Coinbase
  2. Setup an account on the exchange, this will create a digital wallet on the exchange to store your crypto
  3. Transfer some Fiat currency to the exchange. Tutorials can be found on the exchange websites
  4. Select he Crypto you want to purchase i.e. Bitcoin
  5. Most exchanges let you "Buy Now" via market orders
  6. Place your order and execute, the Crypto should now appear in your exchange digital wallet
  7. It is just as simple to sell the Crypto back to Fiat
  8. If you want to hold onto the crypto for a while, it is advisable that you purchase a hardware wallet like a ledger and move the crypto off the exchange for safety.

17. -- Basic day 1 Crypto investment strategy --

  • Diversify - Buy the top 2 cryptos from each of the different areas of utility (of which there are many)
  • Platform tokens $ADA $ETH
  • Payment tokens $BTC $LTC
  • Media & Ent $BAT
  • etc...
  • Hold and wait for mass adoption

18. -- Is BTC/Crypto a Bubble?  --

  • Short answer NO! bitcoin is not a bubble nor is it a Ponzi scheme
  • Bitcoin is now right behind Amazon and Google as the 6th biggest organisation by market cap
  • Bitcoin is also the biggest bank on earth

19. -- Crypto Slang --

  • Rekt, “wrecked,” lost a large sum or been liquidated
  • HODL, "hold on for dear life", to hold on to your asset and not sell it.
  • FUD, or "fear, uncertainty and doubt" occurs when someone spreads misinformation
  • FOMO, or "fear of missing out", might influence you to buy a coin or not cash out on some profits from that coin
  • "Pump" refers to artificially inflating the price of a crypto so you can sell it at a profit. ("dump it")
  • "Wen moon" is asking something all crypto-enthusiasts are dying to know: "when will bitcoin's price hit all time highs?"
  • Shitcoin - everything other than Bitcoin is a shitcoin
  • Safu, "Secure Asset Fund for Users" your assets are safe
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